



The name of this organization is “Central Coast Quilters”.


Central Coast Quilters is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of promoting interest in the historical art of American quilt making. Our aim is to educate, motivate, and create. In doing so, we will be enabled to make charity quilts and donations to various non-profit agencies.



1. Membership is open to any person interested in participating in activities of the Central Coast Quilters. Members may attend any meeting or program, and may participate in any activity held by the Central Coast Quilters.

2. Junior Membership shall be available to youth 8 through 18 years of age at the time of joining. A junior member must be accompanied by an adult sponsoring member at all times. If they do not have an adult family member or friend to sponsor them at the time of joining, one will be found for them. Their level of participation shall be commensurate with their age. Junior members are not eligible to vote, hold office or be responsible for guild monies.

3. Members may hold office and serve on committees. They may vote for officers, and on issues presented for adoption or amendment at regular monthly meetings.

4. Guests are welcome. Guests may attend one meeting at no charge. If they wish to attend more than one meeting, membership is strongly encouraged.

5. Annual dues will be established by the Central Coast Quilters Executive Board, due and payable at the beginning of each fiscal year. The fiscal year shall be from the first regular meeting in January to the last meeting in December of the same year. Dues are delinquent after March 1st, and names will be deleted from the membership roster. Dues for members joining July 1st and after shall be half the annual dues.

6. Dues collected are to cover the costs and expenses of administration and activities of the Central Coast Quilters, as approved by the executive board.



1. Regular monthly meetings shall be held.

2. If a meeting date falls upon a holiday or must be changed for some other unforeseen reason, the Executive Board shall appoint another date for that month.



1. The Executive Board shall consist of elected officers.

2. Their term of office shall be for one year.

3. No officer may serve in the same office for more than 2 consecutive years,   unless an exception is approved by the full board.

4. The Executive Board shall meet monthly; their first meeting will be held prior to the regular January meeting. The Treasurer’s books, Secretary’s minutes, and any other records and information necessary for new officers to fulfill their duties, shall be turned over to the new Board officers.

5. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the First Vice-President shall automatically become President; all other vacancies in office shall be filled by presidential appointments with approval of the Board.

6. The Executive Board meeting time must be at a convenient time for most present.

7. In order for business to be transacted, a quorum must be present; a quorum consists of 1/2 of the total voting Board members.

8. No officer or committee member shall receive any salary for her or his services to the Central Coast Quilters.

9. Any officer may call a Board meeting at any time as may be deemed necessary.

10. Members are encouraged to attend Board meetings, but may not vote.


Executive Officers of the Central Coast Quilters shall be:


1. Shall preside at all meetings of the Central Coast Quilters and Board.

2. May call special meetings as necessary.

3. Shall abstain from voting on any measure at both regular meetings and Board meetings.

4. If there is a tie, the President will then cast the deciding vote.

1st Vice President:

1. Shall be responsible for the monthly programs, outside speakers, and workshops.

2. Shall preside at regular meetings in the event of the President’s inability to serve in his/her appointed capacity.

2nd Vice President:

1. Shall be in charge of special events.

2. Events include the Quilt Show, auction, or any other special exhibits, bus trips, etc.

Recording/Corresponding Secretary:

1. Shall keep the minutes of monthly meetings and all Board meetings and make available for review at each monthly meeting.

2. Shall keep on file, correspondence addressed to Central Coast Quilters, and reply as necessary.


1. Shall record all financial transactions of the Central Coast Quilters.

2. Shall act as Chairperson of the Budget Committee, and prepare the annual budget proposal for the annual meeting in February of each year.

3. Shall collect membership dues from the Membership Chairperson, and be custodian of those dues and other monies that may be collected for all special events.

4. Upon taking office, shall establish a bank account requiring three authorized signatures (consisting of the Treasurer, and any two board members authorized by the Board). Any two of these may sign checks or make transfer of monies.

5. Shall make disbursements as required to pay any bills.

6. Any non-budgeted expenditure up to $500.00 must be approved by the Executive Board.

7. Any non-budgeted expenditure over $500.00 must also be approved by a majority of the attending general membership.

8. Shall present a summary of monthly financial transactions at each regular Board meeting, and make the books available for audit at the end of each fiscal year.

9. Shall provide a Treasurer’s report summary for review at the general membership monthly meetings.

10. Shall contact SCCQG Treasurer to get the Certificate of Annual Insurance, and/or Certificates of Insurance for special events, etc.

11. Shall file any returns or other reports as required by the federal, state or local government.

12. Shall apply for non-profit raffle permits.



The President, with the Board’s approval, may appoint Standing Committees.


1. Shall welcome guests and have members sign in at regular meetings.

2. Will maintain a current membership list and notify the Newsletter Editor of new members.

3. Will prepare a new roster of members’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers by the March meeting for all members.

4. Shall provide new members with a membership card and a packet containing a copy of the Bylaws, a membership directory, and a pattern for a CCQ name tag.

5. Shall collect membership dues and forward to the Treasurer.

6. Shall notify members before March 1st, when dues are in arrears.

Newsletter Editor:

1. Shall prepare and make available a monthly newsletter to the general membership.

Publicity Editor:

1. Shall prepare and send to local newspapers announcements of monthly meetings.

2. Shall channel to the appropriate media any items or special events (shows, exhibits, etc.), and/or programs that may be of interest and open to the general public.

Block of the Month (BOM) Director:

1. Shall set up a yearly BOM program.

2. Shall plan and present properly drafted block patterns to the general membership at monthly meetings.


1. Shall appoint refreshment committees for the year, which shall be printed in the Newsletter. (Currently=alpha groups)

2. Appointed refreshment committees will be responsible for set up and clean up, and maintaining supplies, i.e. bottled water, tea, coffee.

3. Appointed refreshment committees will be responsible for special occasions, i.e. potlucks or parties.

Opportunity Quilt:

1. Shall choose, obtain, make or appoint others to make opportunity raffle item (quilt or other quilting related item for the calendar year.

2. Shall procure tickets for the raffle and sell and/or supervise the sale of tickets for raffle.

3. Shall supervise the drawing of the winning raffle ticket and set the time and date of the drawing, with the approval of the Board.


1. Shall consist of three committee members.

2. Shall plan, coordinate, investigate, and report to the general members all phases of a proposed philanthropic project beyond approved budgeted expenses.


1. Shall send greeting cards when appropriate (to members who are ill, etc.).

Representative to Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds (SCCQG):

1. Shall attend the Southern California Council of Quilt Guild meetings, and report to the Central Coast Guild the outcome of these meetings.

2. Representative will be reimbursed for expenses as budgeted.

Web Mistress/Master:

1. Shall maintain and update the guild website known as






Standing Rules

Rule 1. Meetings shall be held on the 4th Tuesday of every month except when necessary to accommodate a holiday (i.e. Thanksgiving) or to accommodate an unavoidable conflict in a hired speaker’s schedule on the recommendation of the First VP.

Rule 2. Annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Board and the chairs of the standing committees (full Board).  Any changes to the dues must be approved by the full Board by the October meeting of the year prior to the effective date of the dues change.

Rule 3. Donation Drawings/Door Prizes shall be held at every general membership monthly meeting.

Rule 4. In case of illness of any member please notify Sunshine Chairperson so appropriate action may be taken.

Rule 5. At the end of the President’s current term a quilt or gift shall be presented at the final meeting/party in December.

Rule 6. President’s quilt or gift chairperson shall be appointed by the 1st Vice President.

Rule 7. Recommended order of business at Central Coast Quilters meetings shall be:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance (at discretion of President)

Welcome by the President


Treasurer’s Report

Other Officers Report

Standing Committees Reports

Unfinished Business

New Business

Show and Tell



Donation Drawings/Door Prizes



Rule 8. Introduction of new officers will be held at the final meeting/party in December.

Rule 9. Regarding Speakers:


Rule 10. Workshops and educational classes are set up by the Program Chairs. Full capacity of a class is 20 students. It will be at the discretion of the program chair to cancel a workshop or class if not filled, with the understanding that the contract between CCQ and the teacher addresses this issue and the timelines in which to cancel. The contract will specify a minimum number of class participants needed to go forward with a class, as agreed upon by Programs chair and Class Instructor, and cancellation will occur if the minimum number of participants is not met. As per CCQ's mission statement of educating  and promoting interest in American quilt making, the guild may supplement the cost of workshops. Efforts will be made to fill classes with guild members and if not filled within 30-60 days before scheduled class will be offered to non-member participants, if needed.  If a class is canceled, participants will be encouraged to move their payment to a different class if possible, or they will be given a refund.